Caching Framework Integration

We team Scalable helped our customers to migrate their existing products, projects & Solutions from Azure Cache to Redis Cache with minimal code changes in a patterned way.This situation is common due to Microsoft Azure stopped supporting Microsoft Azure Caching and suggested customers to migrate to Redis Cache. Team Scalable has implemented frameworks for Caching, Logging, Diagnostics, Monitoring and Background Worker Framework, to help build robust, scalable and high performance products and solutions.


Our solution

Business Scenario
Client is a software product company owning Azure based SaaS product into Contract Management Domain. The current product was using Azure Managed cache but since Azure Cache would be going out of support soon Client wanted to migrate the existing product to use Azure Redis Cache and integrate it in a smooth manner with existing products running in Production.
Team Scalable Solutions
The Result: Scalable Solutions did a quick Proof Of Concept to validate the integration approach for Azure Redis Cache and its impact on the existing integration touch points. Designed and implemented loosely coupled integration pattern and implemented in the existing product to use Azure Redis Cache with minimal impact on the other code base
Tools and Technologies
We used Azure Redis Cache Service as well as Redis Cache on Premise, .NET, Interface based integration, Dependency Injection ASP.NET, Redis Cache, Stack Exchange Redis Clienting Dedicated team with onshore & offshore model reduced time to market by at least 30% Quick turnaround time for support and maintenance
Business Benefits
Zero impact integration with Product Code Base High Quality implementation helped achieve fast time to market. As Client saved a lot of time and money to implement it for existing customers In time risk mitigation to come out of unsupported service Quick turnaround for existing code changes and upgrades for existing deployments Reusable Library helps achieve the similar implementation rather in a quicker manner